Tuesday, February 21, 2006

To Life!

Last night, in my chocolate-induced state of semi-sleep, this thought interrupted my delirium: "Wow! I'm going to live forever!"


Friday, February 17, 2006

My Treasures

This is our first year of homeschooling all our kids. It has been a big adjustment for our family, though things are settling in...well, most things, anyway. And there are some really good things happening, too, like sibling friendship. Have you ever spotted one of these rarities – in real life?

On a warm day at the end of January, my boys wanted to do their work up in the tree. They didn’t get a lot done up there, what with pencils falling and no writing surface. I indulged them for a long time, though, until one of them climbed up to about 40 feet. At that height, someone might drive by and think I was “one of those homeschool moms.” Gasp! I must remember to let them do crazy things only after public school hours.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

To see and be heard

So basic! What a joy to communicate with other created beings!

I'll try to speak up . . . my teachers were always asking me to repeat things. In my teens, a helpful lady gave me this great tip: "Pretend you're yelling at your brother!" I really think I have improved on my volume, though. My kids are my witnesses.